If you buy our goods for personal use, you have an unconditional right to cancel an order from the moment your order is placed. You are entitled to a refund even if the goods are not defected in any way. Any parts received damaged or missing must be reported to us within 24 hours of delivery.

Your cancellation rights end 14 calendar days (from purchase). To arrange for your order to be returned please contact us at info@tavansepeti.com, stating your order reference and reason for return. Unless the goods supplied were either defective or incorrectly supplied, the outward carriage charge will not be refunded.

We will check that your order is eligible for return (received within the last 14 days, unused, undamaged, in the original packaging) and provide you with documentation required for return. 

To return the goods you can arrange with a courier of your choice (at your expense). Please be advised to use an insured courier service as the item is your responsibility until it is back at our warehouse. We cannot be liable for items damaged or lost in transit.

Goods returned will be inspected to check for any damaged or missing parts. If the goods are in a re-saleable condition we will issue a refund. If the goods are not in a re-saleable condition this could result in a further charge. We will contact you to inform you of any issues prior to processing the refund. Please allow an additional 3-5 working days for the refund to appear back in your account. If you have any questions regarding the returns process or for an update on your return please Contact Us.

Please use the below address for all returns,

Can Auto Style

38 Ogilvie Way EH54 8HL UK

Please note, if you fail to receive any goods but a Signed Proof of Delivery is provided from our courier, for us to be able to issue a replacement or refund, we will require a Crime Reference Number this is required by our courier for us to make a claim.
